Get your local school involved!


From raising money to donation drives to creating positive messages, there are lots of ways schools can get involved.

  • Consider Backpacks 4 SA Kids as the recipient for your next fundraising event
  • Ask students and their families to each bring in and donate:
    • a piece of clothing
    • a small toy or game
    • a stationery item

We are always short on clothing for children aged 5-18 yrs, so a class-sized donation of goods would make a big difference to our backpacks program

View and download our donation guidelines here.

In the past, we have included messages of positivity in our backpacks, made for the kids, by the kids. A simple way to brighten a child’s day, and to educate our young people about children less fortunate than them.

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Promotional Poster

You are welcome to download and print our promotional poster to display in your school when accepting raising funds, holding events or taking donations on behalf of Backpacks 4 SA Kids.

We hope this will help inform and educate your school community about who we are.